Saturday, September 6, 2014

Philippine Health Informatics' Challenges and Hurdles

An Infographic is a great tool of disseminating big deal information with little amount of words and striking icons. According to Google: "a good infographic is worth a thousand words".

After I've read about this activity, I was so thrilled. Back at work, whenever I see our communication s officers of various projects do these stuff, I am so amused and I want to try it myself. I've asked for some pointers and online tools. So I "googled" them and tried a few. Researching the best tool for the job, I can say that there are lots of these online and they're free! 

Back to the assignment, the driving question is: 
What are the factors affecting the advancement of the field of health informatics in the Philippines?

Ideas stormed my mind but I've managed to pick the best out of them. Again, I want them to be simplified so I classified them and came out with these 3 concepts:
1. Initiative
2. Implementation
3. Sustainability
Inside these concepts are the factors that may answer the driving question.

So I went back to plot these to my online tool. I've found out that I am very limited by its features (i think because it's free) and putting the ideas together is very hard. Here is a sample of my online work:

Tried other online tools but at the end of the day, I went back to....

MS Powerpoint!

Here is my final output, I can't contain them in just one page, so I've divided it into 3 sheets. Also attached is my very first creation using powerpoint (sorry, it's kinda crappy), it serves as my marker to the content (please see attached images) 

Disclaimer: I am not saying that Powerpoint is the best tool for the job. I am just comfortable with it. Use what suits your ideals. :)

Here's a good tool for us to use. If you do not have adobe, you can use this site to remove the background of your images/ icons for free:

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